Environmental Services
Let us manage your local environmental services project
Our Environmental Services
Dune Restoration
Environmental consulting
Erosion control
Natural area management
Weed control
Wetland Enviro Management

Project Spotlight: Natural Area Weed Control
Client: City of Gosnells
Period: 2021
UGC Group conducted Natural Area Weed Control throughout multiple bushland reserves for the City of Gosnells, using an integrated method of manual invasive biomass removal, and herbicide application via tanker and backpack spraying as well as Wiping for geophytic weeds, and Cut and Paint and Basal Barking methods to control Woody Weeds.
The reserves required a vast array of control, with concentrations around Watsonia sp., Bridal creeper (Asparagus asparagoises), Gladiolus sp., various annual grasses such as Erharta, Aveena, Bromus and Vuplia and Perennial grasses such as Eragrostis, Kikuyu and couch as well as many other broadleaf weeds that thrive in winter rain such as Fumaria, Vetch and various members of the Asteraceae (Daisy) Family.
UGC Group successfully completed these works in late 2021 on-time and on budget, with an improvement in the conservation value, helping foster natural regeneration of the present flora, and encouraging the natural habitat to flourish once again.

Project Spotlight: Revegetation and Establishment
Client: Main Roads (MRWA)/ Metropolitan Road Improvement Alliance (MRIA)
Period: 2019-2023
UGC undertook the revegetation and maintenance works for the recently constructed Armadale Road Upgrade project. The project was completed by the in partnership with Main Roads and the Metropolitan Road Improvement Alliance, consisting of CPB Contractors, Georgiou Group, WA Limestone, GHD, AECOM and BG&E.
The project was completed in two separable portions.
Construction, consisting of the installation of over 120,000 native cell and tube stock, 5,000 established native trees and 60kgs of native seed.
Maintenance and reporting, completing a three-year establishment and maintenance period, including invasive species management via manual, mechanical and chemical control methods, as well as on-going monitoring reports.
UGC successfully completed separable portion one, Construction in 2020. Through UGC's partnership with Indigenous businesses, UGC were able to successfully, engage, hire, and train indigenous workers completing this phase with an indigenous participation rate of over 35% showing dedication and commitment to successful and sustained indigenous participation. UGC is currently undertaking the on-going establishment and maintenance works through until 2023.

Training and qualifications
The UGC Group team comprises of qualified professionals in their area of expertise.
As a minimum requirement our employee's qualifications range from Certificates/Diploma's in Land Management, Conservation, Horticulture, Environmental Science, right up to a BSC (Environmental Science) or BSc (Marine Biology).
UGC Group heavily support staff to obtain further training and qualifications that will allow them to self-develop and in turn deliver high performance results for the client. They include;
- Department of Health, Pest Management License
- Operate and maintain chainsaws
- Construction Induction card
- 4WD driving course
- Control weeds AHCPMG301
- Prepare and apply chemicals to control pest, weeds and diseases AHCCHM307
- Transport and store Chemicals AHCCHM304
UGC Group is a registered pest management Business (Reg: 2454) with the Department of Health indicating they are administering chemical within regulations and under best practice.
They are certified to perform; First Aid (HLTAID003), Working Safely at heights (RIIWHS204D), Traffic Management (RIIWHS302E), Construction Safety Awareness (white card).
UGC Group and currently working in line with the following Australian standards;
- ISO 9001:2015 Quality
- ISO 45001:2018 Occupational Health & Safety
- ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management Systems